our solutions

Care Loops

Putting patients at the center of their health data

Care Loops are collections of research-validated workflows that foster strong relationships between patients and providers by curating timely, consistent, and continuous care. Through specialty-specific Care Loops, providers help patients navigate every touchpoint along their care journey with compassion. 


Generate Patient Context

We generate patient context by becoming the custodians of a person’s health story and then sharing it with their care providers on their behalf.

Visualize 360° a Picture of the Person

We tell this story in a human-centric way to the provider and systems that need to understand it.

Communicate Pathway to Patient & Monitor

We communicate this pathway to people with empathy and compassion. We gain their permission to be part of their lives and measure the effectiveness of the care pathway over time, adding this context to their story.

Augment Care Coordination

We enable and augment care coordination both human and digital to provide a clear pathway to the person.


Generate Patient Context

Patient data is gathered within the Thrive Health platform, enabling patients to share their healthcare story with care providers. 

Visualize 360°Picture
of the Person

Thrive’s centralized patient profile outlines the patient’s healthcare story to the provider and systems that need to understand it. 

Augment Care Coordination

Plan, communicate and execute a care plan with empathy and compassion, nurturing the relationship between patient and provider. 

Communicate Pathway to Patient & Monitor

Monitor patient and provider-reported outcomes through a continuous cycle of compassionate communication. Patients feel empowered in their own care and providers have a more holistic picture of their health story.


Our Care Loops in Action

In partnership with leading institutions across North America, we develop patient-centric workflows that meet the needs of a wide range of healthcare specialties to enhance the delivery of care. 

Cancer Survivorship
Hospital at Home
Mental Health
Hospital Care Coordination
Pain Management
Custom Care Loops
Cancer Survivorship
Hospital at Home
Mental Health
Hospital Care Coordination
Pain Management
Custom Care Loops

Cancer Survivorship

The Cancer Survivorship Care Loop empowers a person to be in control of their survivorship journey through tailored guidance, coordination, and self-management.

Patients have access to individualized treatment plans, health and wellness resources to help manage side effects, support for physical and mental health needs, and a direct line of communication to care providers in order to share assessments and reports.

Hospital at Home

Canadian hospitals are facing significant pressures, demands, and costs, with many operating at or exceeding capacity. Our Hospital at Home Care Loop helps patients recover in the comfort of their homes while still having direct access to their care providers.

By promoting coordination and continuity of care, patients can experience a seamless transition between hospital and home, easily sharing assessments, reports, and symptoms with their care team.

Mental Health

Our Mental Health Care Loop empowers patients to be in control of their mental health journey through individually tailored care plans and access to a library of evidence-based resources within the platform, as well as information on community-based resources for mental health support.

Patients are able to share with their care providers the physical and psychological side effects of treatment and have open lines of communication as they navigate their mental health journey.

Hospital Care Coordination

Improved hospital care coordination is critical for enhancing patient outcomes and optimizing the efficiency of healthcare delivery. Our Hospital Care Coordination Care Loop works with hospitals to identify key areas where enhanced care coordination is needed and develop a solution that streamlines communication between patient and provider and manages tasks assignments and care plan management among care team members.

Pain Management

Effective pain management is crucial for improving the quality of life for individuals experiencing acute or chronic pain. Our Pain Management Care Loop helps to empower people living with pain through tailored guidance and self-management, offering scalable solutions to support pain management for both adults and children.

This Care Loop provides access to waitlists for pain management programs that help manage symptoms, curated resources, and assessments that help providers understand the specifics of each patient's pain.

Looking for another specialty?

Our Care Loops are designed to foster stronger relationships between patients and providers and can be customized to any specialty. Our team is excited to work with you to identify where Thrive Health can support your delivery of care.

Learn about our Custom Care Loop services


Living with diabetes often requires diligent self-care practices, including monitoring blood sugar levels, taking medication and leading a healthy lifestyle. Our Diabetes Care Loop helps empower people living with diabetes to be in control of their health journey and be supported by their care team.

Patients can track their symptoms, have access to evidence-based resources aimed at helping navigate the daily challenges of living with diabetes and easily share assessments and reports with care providers.


Living with diabetes often requires diligent self-care practices, including monitoring blood sugar levels, taking medication and leading a healthy lifestyle. Our Diabetes Care Loop helps empower people living with diabetes to be in control of their health journey and be supported by their care team.

Patients can track their symptoms, have access to evidence-based resources aimed at helping navigate the daily challenges of living with diabetes and easily share assessments and reports with care providers.

case Study

Closing the loop on care communication

Survivorship care at The Ottawa Hospital

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Read the case study

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